NUS Nursing Studies with VR - ‘Best Use of Emerging Technologies’ in the CIO INSPIRE Tech award!

01 Nov 2021

We are proud to announce that our in-house developed (with Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies) “Nursing studies with VR” has been selected as the winner for the ‘Best Use of Emerging Technologies’ award category in the CIO Academy Asia’s inaugural 2021 INSPIRE Tech Awards!

Our project was handpicked by judges amongst 83 other nominations from 5 countries in South East Asia who participated in this year’s INSPIRE Awards.

Nursing studies with VR is a project that brings about the digitalisation and automation of nursing clinical practice, and the empowerment of self-directed learning to nursing students in NUS.

It has dramatically evolved the paradigm of traditional learning in lab-based simulations–which usually incurs high operational costs for sustaining physical labs and manpower–into VR-based simulation which is easily scalable with minimal repercussion.

Applying game-changing technology, the team of four at NUS IT developed VR simulation, to create an authentic, cost-effective and safe learning environment that allows students the opportunity to practice and learn more than in an actual physical lab. By digitising the nursing clinical practices and course contents into a 3D immersive VR simulation, students can experience and practice as much as they wish at their own time and in the comfort of their own homes, without the challenges of commuting, face-to-face, physical and social distancing constraints or the availability of the labs. This is exceptionally crucial during the pandemic, where physical lessons can only be attended by fewer students than normal.

This project and award was also mentioned in The Straits Times published on 1st Nov here:

A big congratulations to the team for their innovation, effort and hard work!

You can view more about this project here:

CIO Academy Asia’s inaugural 2021 INSPIRE Tech Awards comes at a unique time to recognise the critical role that technology plays for the South East Asian region to minimise disruptions to businesses as we continue to thrive during this very uncertain period.

The INSPIRE Awards recognises end-user organisations who have emerged stronger by deploying technology to overcome challenges posed by the shifting business landscape due to the pandemic crisis.