About HPC

In a research environment, High Performance Computing (HPC) is the use of hardware, software, tools and programming techniques to accelerate research computation, which in turn will enable the execution of large cutting-edge research simulation that accelerates new discoveries. At the National University of Singapore, a combination of centralized and distributed approaches has been adopted in the provisioning and support of High Performance Computing (HPC) for research computation.

In this hybrid environment, some departments and research groups are providing local resources to support their users, whereas the HPC team at the NUS IT is focusing on providing central HPC resources and services to support all staff and student researchers across campus. NUS IT is also collaborating with the National Supercomputing Centre (NSCC) in providing high-end HPC resources to NUS researchers to enable large-scale and complex research simulations.


Central HPC support at NUS IT began in 1989 when a shared vector supercomputer was made available to the NUS research community. Since then, a variety of HPC systems and technologies had been introduced to meet wide range of research computing requirements. In our recent development, we have been focusing on developing a data-centric HPC environment since the beginning of 2010s. From mid-2010s, additional focus on AI related resources and technologies has been initiated to keep pace with emerging Machine Learning/Deep Learning research requirements. We are expecting the HPC-AI era in research computing to be in full swing in 2020s.

Here is the list of HPC-AI resources and services NUS IT provides to accelerate research discovery in the next era of data- and AI-centric research computing development:

▶     HPC Cluster with accelerators (CPU, GPU)

▶     On-demand Storage (for data archiving or backup)

▶     Data Repository & Analytics System (Hadoop, Sparks)

▶     HPC Cloud

▶     High-speed Data Transfer (100Gbps research network)

▶     Computational Science & Engineering Software

▶     Data Analytics & AI Computing Platform (R, Matlab, Python, Tensorflow, PyTorch, etc)

▶     Data Engineering Support

▶     Coding, Modelling & Optimization Support

To access the above HPC resources and services, just register a HPC account using your NUS-ID account at https://nusit.nus.edu.sg/services/hpc/getting-started/register-for-hpc/. For further enquiry, contact us through nTouch (HPC enquiries).