FAQ: Static IP Address

1. What is a static IP address?

Static IP address is an IP address which needs to be configured manually on the Server, network printer or devices. The IP address will not be changed after power-off or reboot.

2. What is the difference between public and private IP address?

A public IP address is accessible freely by anyone and from anywhere over the Internet. A private IP address requires the user to be connected to NUS’ network (either via WiFi, ethernet or NUS VPN if outside campus) before accessing.

3. When do I need a Static IP address?

Most of the time dynamic IP address will be sufficient. You will need Static IP address in below scenarios.

Need to host dedicated services (web, email, FTP, VPN, printing, video, audio etc.)

Need to support name resolution (web, FTP, backup etc.)

Device does not support DHCP

Program that you want to access require static IP

Remote access/administration to system

4. Do I need Public or Private IP address?

Private IP
You run one or more services on your system that ONLY require campus access (within NUS).


If you require access to a Private IP from external (from the Internet), you have to connect via NUS WebVPN.


Department server (Application, Database, middleware)


IP camera/CCTV/surveillance device

Network storage

Network devices


Client machine for specific application

Audio/Video equipment

Public IP
You run one or more services on your system that require external access (from the Internet).

Web server

Video conferencing device

Email server/Email gateway

VPN devices

5. Do I need a static IP address for my desktop or laptop computer?

No, you do not need static IP addresses for that.

6. How do I get a static IP address?

Login to https://ntouch.nus.edu.sg with your NUS-ID, and follow the steps below:

  1. Click on Browse categories -> Business Requests -> Network and Connectivity -> Static IP Addresses
  2. Click on Static IP Address – Create
  3. Fill in the form to submit your request.

7. How do I change the contact information for a static IP address?

Login to https://ntouch.nus.edu.sg with your NUS-ID, and follow the steps below:

  1. Click on Browse categories -> Business Requests -> Network and Connectivity -> Static IP Addresses
  2. Click on Static IP Address – Edit
  3. Fill in the form to submit your request.

8. How do I return an unneeded static IP address?

Login to https://ntouch.nus.edu.sg with your NUS-ID, and follow the steps below:

  1. Click on Browse categories -> Business Requests -> Network and Connectivity -> Static IP Addresses
  2. Click on Static IP Address – Return
  3. Fill in the form to submit your request.

9. Who can request for a static IP address?

Only NUS staff and contractors with a valid NUS-ID are eligible to apply for static IP address.

10. Can I request a specific Static IP?

Yes, if your department has been allocated a specific IP subnet.

11. Do I need to re-apply a new static IP address if I relocate my server or devices?

If you are shifting the server/device within the same building, you do not need to re-apply. You only need to update IT Care with the new location and network port information.

If the server/device is relocated to a different building, you are likely required to change the IP address. Please check with IT Care for clarification.

12. How long can I keep the static IP address?

You can keep the IP address as long you have a requirement to use it. If you no longer require the IP address, do inform IT Care to remove it.

13. What are my responsibilities for owning a static IP address?

Always keep IT Care updated on any changes to your IP address, such as ownership, contact information. Location, network point information, etc. You are responsible for securing the static IP devices too, apply security patches and fixing all security vulnerabilities timely.

14. Why are vulnerability scans mandatory?

Security vulnerabilities scans for systems/devices with static IP addresses are a part of a holistic network security framework to keep NUS data and systems safe. As an owner of a static IP address, you are also responsible for resolving any vulnerability reported for static IP address under your care.