FAQ: NUSgroups

1. Can I turn on moderation for my groups?

Moderation is not supported on subscription-based mailing (NUSgroups). However we support the use of authorised senders where only selected users are allowed to send email to the groups. We believe this will be more useful than moderation under most circumstances.

2. Is there an archive of all emails sent to the groups?

This is not supported at the moment.

3. Is Subscription-based mailing(NUSgroups) opened to non-NUS users? How can they use it?

There are some restrictions as to how non-NUS users can utilise subscription-based mailing(NUSgroups):

  1. They cannot login to the subscription-based mailing(NUSgroups) website.
  2. They cannot create/own groups.
  3. They can join groups using any of the two methods below:

The owner of the group (NUS Staff or Students) can invite or add them into the group

They can send Majordomo-style email commands to administrator@groups.nus.edu.sg . Some examples are as illustrated below:

      1. To join the group, say nus-test, compose a message similar to the one below and send it to administrator@groups.nus.edu.sg administrator@groups.nus.edu.sg. Only the subject of the email is important, the email body will be ignored.From: someone@nus.edu.sg someone@nus.edu.sg
        To: administrator@groups.nus.edu.sg administrator@groups.nus.edu.sg
        Subject: join nus-test
      2. Similarly, to leave the nus-test group, put “leave nus-test” in the subject as below:
        From: someone@nus.edu.sg
        To: administrator@groups.nus.edu.sg
        Subject: leave nus-test
      3. For requests to join or to leave Email Distribution (NUSgroups), a confirmation code will be sent to you for purpose of verification.
        From: administrator@groups.nus.edu.sg administrator@groups.nus.edu.sg
        To: someone@nus.edu.sg
        Subject: confirm Gt5Rd7JSd8
      4. Reply the email accordingly and you should receive a success join or leave message.
  1. They can send and receive emails from Email Distribution (NUSgroups), same as per NUS Staff and Students.

4. Does Subscription-based mailing (NUSgroups) remove email addresses that are invalid?

If there are more than 5 unsuccessful deliveries within a span of 10 days, the corresponding email address will be removed from all groups. Multiple unsuccessful deliveries within a day are considered as 1 unsuccessful delivery.

It is necessary to remove invalid email addresses so that the service can continue to operate at the optimum level that is to service and deliver emails to genuine email addresses. It also helps the Internet community if subscription-based mailing (NUSgroups) do not send emails to invalid email addresses where remote email servers will need to process and then discard.

5. How can I know if the email has been disseminated properly when I send to the group?

Please add yourself as the member of the group. In that way you will be able to receive the emails that you have sent to the group.

6. How can I easily include the information to let users know how to join my group?

You can advise users to visit Subscription-based mailing (NUSgroups) page via Getservices page and select Start using it, or direct them to the link https://groups.nus.edu.sg/NUSgroups/join.asp?groupname=testgroup, replacing testgroup with the email prefix of your group.

Similar to leaving a group.