
We understand that some of you might have other problems with this new anti-spoofing system, which is not foolproof for authentic messages, in fact, the system is unlikely to have any built-in intelligence whatsoever that it cannot distinguish between a bonafide mailing list posting versus a real spoof.


Can I still send to Yahoo! Groups using my NUS email account?

Yahoo! Groups work by imposing as another person to mass distribute the mail to its groups. With the NUS Anti-Spoofing, the only restriction lies on the sender. As long as the sender sends as, then all the recipient of sg will be quarantined by Proofpoint and listed in End User Digest.

e.g. A Yahoo! Group called The members are :

  1. If or sends a mail to, everyone would receive the mail.
  2. If or sends a mail to, ONLY and will be quarantined by Proofpoint and listed in End User Digest. The rest will still receive the mail in their inbox.

Can I auto-forward my personal email from external to my NUS email?

To avoid the risks of emails being quarantined by Proofpoint, you may wish to disable your email forwarding from the external email account to NUS Email, and access your respective account directly. For more details on how it will affect you, refer to services affected.