Inviting people to a collaborative folder

Inviting people to a collaborative folder

If you are the Owner of a shared folder or the Manager of a team folder, you can invite other people to join the folder. When a person accepts a shared or team folder invitation, the folder appears in their nBox just as it does in your own.

When inviting a person to a folder, you assign that person a member role (Viewer, Collaborator, or Manager). A person’s member role determines the operations they can perform in the folder.


For both shared and team folders:

    • Viewer — Viewers can view and download the files in the folder. However, Viewers cannot edit or add files to the folder. Viewers also cannot synchronize the collaborative folder with the desktop application.
    • Collaborator — Collaborators can view, edit, and add files to the folder.

For team folders:

    • Manager — Managers can invite people to the folder, set member roles, adjust the folder storage capacity, change the folder contact information, and delete the folder for all the members. Managers can also view, edit, and add files to the folder.


  1. In the row of a collaborative folder, click on the overflow icon ().
  2. In the menu, click on Manage shared folder.
  3. In the search bar, enter the name of a person or group that you want to invite to the folder. Then press Enter.
  4. For each person and group you want to invite:

    • Optionally, select a role in the Role dropdown.
Notes: When you invite a group to a collaborative folder, you set the member role for the entire group. However, the member role of a person who is already part of the collaborative does not change.
  • Click on Add user for each user you want to invite and Add group for each group you want to invite to the shared folder.

When you invite a group to a shared or team folder, nBox manages the group membership for you. This removes the hassle of managing the group yourself.
When a person is added to the group, that person is automatically invited to the all the collaborative folders the group is a part of. Similarly, if a person is deleted from a group, that person is automatically removed from all the collaborative folders the group is a part of.

Once a group is part of a shared or team folder, you can:

•Change the roles of individuals in the group.

•Delete individuals in the group from a particular collaborative folder.

• Stop nBox from tracking the group.