Handling conflicts

Handling conflicts

File conflicts occur when a single file is changed from two different nBox applications. Conflicts occur most often in shared and team folders when two people are editing the same file at the same time.

When two people are editing a file, nBox accepts the changes that it receives first and updates the file with those changes. As a result, the other set of changes that it receives now apply to an out-of-date version of the file. The system preserves the second set of changes by creating a new version of the file, called a conflict file. Conflict files have the same name as the other file, but with some additional information about the conflict attached to the end of the file name. A conflict file could look like this, for example:

Jan 10 Meeting Notes (lgreen’s conflict on 2013-01-11).docx

The desktop application and User Portal display alerts when you have conflict files. To remove the conflict alerts, you need to resolve the conflicts by renaming or deleting the conflict files. Modifying the contents of a conflict file does not remove the conflict alerts.

To view conflict files in the User Portal:

  1. In the User Portal, click on your username.
  2. In the menu, click on File conflicts .
    The File conflicts window appears. In this window, you can delete, rename, download, or view the history for any of the conflict files.

To view conflict files in the desktop application:

  1. Start the desktop application.
  2. Do one of these:

    o In the Windows desktop app, right-click on the application icon () in the taskbar.

    o In the Mac desktop app, click on the application icon () in the menu bar.

When a conflict is present, the desktop application icon looks like this ( ) or this ( ).
  1. In the menu that appears, click on Dashboard.
  2. Click on File sync status.
  3. Click on the Conflicts tab.