SFB Telephony Components
Telephony Components Purchase/Request Method

Department coordinator can purchase headsets for staff through the SESAMi system.

A summary of the models available in the SESAMi catalogue and the procurement process can be found here.

Hard Phone
* Staff
* Meeting Room/Common Area
* Boss/Secretary
Purchase of hard phone is currently on hold under review by management.

Meanwhile, staff are encouraged to use the SFB soft phone on their computing devices to make calls.

SFB Telephony Services

* DID number
* Hard phone setup
* Voice mail
* Interactive Voice Response
* Hunt Group

Request for SFB Telephony Services can be made through BOSS system.

Department usage of the Telephony Services are subjected to charges based on the current NUS IT cost-recovery model. These charges may include one-time setup costs and/or recurring monthly cost.

* The normal Telco telephone usage charges are applicable for local and overseas outbound (IDD) call. No additional cost for internal calling within NUS via 5-digit extension or phone directory