Presence statuses (for Mac)

Your presence information is a quick way for other people to see your availability status. Presence is automatically set based on your Outlook calendar, but you can change it manually if you want to.

As an example, if you have a meeting currently scheduled in Outlook, your status appears as “In a meeting” in Skype for Business. When you’re in a Skype for Business audio or video call, your presence indicator appears red, as Busy, and your status is updated to “In a call”.

1. Presence indicators

If your Presence is It means you are
Available * Online and Available
Be Right Back ** Away from your computer briefly
Away *,** Logged on, but have been away from computer for a period of time
Off Work ** Not working or not available
Busy *, ** Hard at work and shouldn’t be interrupted
In a call * In a Skype for Business call (two-party call)
In a meeting * In a meeting (using Skype for Business or Outlook)
Do Not Disturb ** Do not want to be disturbed. You will see IMs, but only if you’re both in the same Workgroup
Presenting * Giving a presentation
Out of Office Set to OOF in your Outlook calendar
Offline * Not signed in
Unknown Presence can’t be detected

* Set automatically for you based on your keyboard activity or Outlook calendar.
** You can set your presence to this anytime you want.

2. Set you Presence manually

  1. Select your photo or avatar, then select the status menu arrow below your name.
  2. Select the status you want to change to.
  3. To undo your change and have Skype for Business automatically update your status, select Automatic.