SFB PIN Management Portal | Skype for Business @ NUS

SFB PIN Management Portal

Please click here to request or change Skype for Business (SFB) Telephony PIN (Personal Identification Number). Log in using your NUS User ID and your Password.

SFB PIN is used for 3 purposes:

  1. to log in to SFB hard phone,
  2. to access your voicemail (if enabled),
  3. to make IDD call (if IDD calling right is granted).

The Portal provides a single entry point for staff to manage the same PIN used for above 3 services. If you are the phone administrator of your department common or facility phones, you can also use the Portal to request and change the PIN for these common or facility phones.

The PIN must have exactly six digits and can not consist the same digit (e.g. “222222” is not valid), or consecutive digits (e.g. “123456” is not valid).