Installation Guide for Windows 8 to 10 | Skype for Business @ NUS

Installation Guide for Windows 8 to 10

  1. On your laptop/desktop, close all Office applications (such as Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint) before you proceed to the next step.
  2. Download this zip file if you have not done so.
  1. If your browser asks what you want to do next, choose Open.
  1. Double click on the file “identify-MSoffice-version” and choose “Yes, open this file”.
  1. The following screen will appear. Press any key to start downloading the installer.
  1. Wait for the download to complete. The installer will be downloaded to your Desktop.
  1. When the download is complete, it will automatically unzip and run the installer. No action is required from you at this point.
  2. If you receive the pop-up window as below, choose Yes.
  1. The installation process will start and it might take a few minutes. Please be patient.
  1. If the installer detects any open Office application, you will be prompted with the below pop-up window. Save your work and close the Office application if so, and choose Retry to continue the installation.
  1. All the pop-up windows will close automatically when the installation is complete.
  2. Reboot your computer and Skype for Business will automatically replace your Office Communicator after the reboot.