Installation Guide for iOS | Skype for Business @ NUS

Installation Guide for iOS

  1. On your phone, click  to go to the App Store.
  2. Search for Skype for Business.
  3. Tap GET > Install.
  4. Type in your Apple ID password.
  5. Wait for the app to install and appear on your home screen.
  6. Launch Skype for Business.
  7. Tap Allow when prompted “Business Would like to Send You Notifications”.
  8. Tap OK when prompted “Business Would like to Access Your Contacts”.
  9. Tap OK when prompted “Business Would like to Access the Microphone”
  10. Type your NUS Windows login ID (<NUS windows login id> and follow by Next Arrow
  11. Key in your NUS Windows login password and tap on Sign in.
  12. Type in your Mobile phone number (Do not type in your office phone number!) and tap the Next Arrow.
  13. Run through the quick guide and tap the Got it.