Installation Guide for Android | Skype for Business @ NUS

Installation Guide for Android

  1. On your phone, click  to go to the Google Play Store
  2. Search for Skype for Business.
  3. Tap INSTALL.
  4. Tap ACCEPT, to allow Skype for Business to access your phones information, camera, mic, etc.
  5. Tap OPEN.
  6. Tap ACCEPT, to accept the terms of use.
  7. Tap the Next Arrow.
  8. Type your NUS Windows login ID (<NUS windows login id> and tap the Next Arrow.
  9. Enter your NUS Windows login password and tap the Next Arrow.
  10. Type in your Mobile phone number (Do not type in your office phone number!)
  11. Uncheck Sync Contacts if you do not want to sync Skype for Business contacts to your phone.
  12. Tap the Next Arrow.
  13. Run through the quick guide and tap the Next Arrow.