FAQ Top 10 questions | Skype for Business @ NUS

FAQ Top 10 questions

1. I have installed Skype for Business on my computer. But whenever I click on the Accept for an incoming message or call, SFB crashed. What’s the reason?

This happens because there is a missing patch for Office and Skype for Business in your computer. Please ensure your computer has the latest patches.

To quickly fix this problem, please go to the link here to manually download and install KB4011144.  Select the right Office version for your computer and install this update.

2. How to add a public Skype contact to my SFB contact list?

In SFB, select Contacts icon, type the name or email address of the person you want to search.  SKYPE DIRECTORY will appear.  Click the tab, and add the contact after you find the person.

You may want to refine the search by inputting full name, email address, or telephone number.

3. After I added public Skype contact, I still can't communicate with that user, why?

To facilitate the communication between Skype for Business and public Skype, please add the contacts at both ends. Also, in your SFB client, go to your settings, select Tools -> Options -> Alerts, under “Contact not using Skype for Business”, select “Allow anyone to contact me”. You will need to wait for a while and then send chat message to test the communication. Take note that your NUS Skype for Business ID is <yourUserID>@nus.edu.sg, not your email address.

Refer to the following link for more details:

4. How to add a personal contact to my SFB contact list?

First go to your Outlook, Click on People in the bottom left pane and add a personal contact there.  Then sign-out and sign-in your SFB, search for the personal contact you just added in Outlook.  After you found it, add it to your SFB contact groups.

5. My Polycom phone is not working and display a VVX401 sign (or Time/date out of sync). How do I sign in to my hard phone?

Please refer to this guide on how to check you hard phone settings and perform sign-in.

6. I am encountering call drop on SFB Mobile when I am in campus or outside. What are the possible causes?

SFB Mobile makes use of data connection in your mobile phone to make or receive call.  If your connection to WiFi or 4G is weak, your mobile phone connection could switch between WiFi and 4G. This will cause call drop as currently SFB Mobile does not support seamless call hand-off when switching connection from WiFi to 4G. This could happen especially when you are on the move.

7. I recently changed my NUS ID, but whenever I make or receive a call using the new ID, the call will be cut-off after 25 to 30 seconds. What is the reason?

If you sign-in to SFB client using your old ID and new ID at the same computer and switch between the IDs, your SFB client could cause the call drop or cut-off.   Please sign-out SFB client for your old ID and only use new ID to sign-in to SFB.

8. I have forwarded my office number (SFB) to my mobile number, but when there is an incoming call or missed call, my mobile phone only display NUS mainline (“65166666”), not the caller’s number. Why?

The number (“6516 6666”) you see is actually the mainline number of the NUS Campus. The reason is that the caller’s number (such as mobile phone number) does not fall within the range of numbers subscribed by NUS. When it is forwarded to SingTel telephony system, only NUS main number will be displayed due to technical restriction.

One way to overcome this is to use SFB’s mobile app instead of using call forward.

9. One of my staff left NUS but we need to retain the DID number for new staff who has not joined. What should I request for this scenario?

Please submit a Service Request with “UC-S-UNASSIGNUSER” code. On the display name field just fill in as “Spare_<PhoneNumber>”.  Once the new staff user ID is ready, you can submit another request “UC-S-REASSIGNUSER” to assign the DID number.

10. How can I make IDD calls with SFB hard phone or soft phone?

If your IDD calls are to be charged to your department, you can use “Direct IDD Calls” or “IDD Calls via PIN Authentication” (“NUS IDD” service). Your department’s Phone Admin can grant you access based on your staff ID.

Alternatively you can register your DID number with IDD Service Providers to make personal IDD calls. Refer to this link for more info.

Note:   In SFB, IDD calls refer to calling an overseas landline with a telephone number.  Using SFB to call external SFB or public Skype user over the Internet is free and is not considered IDD calls.

11. How does voice mail work in SFB?

Voice mail in SFB works in the same way as in other telephony system.  When enabled, it allows voice messages to be recorded when calls are not answered, or when your line is busy.

The voicemail in SFB is integrated with your Outlook email, stored in your inbox as .wav audio files which you can play using your computer.  It allow you to use SFB client to customize your greeting or access and manage your messages, bringing a unified communication messaging platform for seamless access.

Refer to this link for more info.

12. What is the charges of Voice mail? Do I have to apply for voice mail service in SFB?

Voice mail is not enabled by default when staff SFB telephony services are enabled.  Staff who requires voice email shall approach their department phone admin to request for it.  The charges is $1 per month for each user, with a one-time activation charge of $5.