FAQ IP Telephony | Skype for Business @ NUS

FAQ IP Telephony


1. Can I reject or filter unwanted calls?

If you don’t receive any call, you can set your status as Do Not Disturb (DND) from soft phone or hard phone.


If you only need to block a call from your SFB contact, simply right click the contact, select Change Privacy Relationship -> Blocked Contacts.  You can add a number to your SFB contact list if it is not there.

2. When someone from external called me, and my SFB phone displays "PRIVATE (Unknown Number)". Why?

When you received a call displaying only a single digit “PRIVATE (Unknown Number)”, it means that the calling party has subscribed to a value added service that “hides” his Caller Identity. Hence, there will be no numbers being displayed after the digit “PRIVATE (Unknown Number)”, which is the digit you need to enter before you can dial an external (i.e. residential) line. This will also apply to all external phones that call from outside of the campus that subscribed to the “Hidden Caller Identity” value added service. (i.e. a residential line etc.).

3. My Polycom phone is not working and display a VVX401 sign (or Time/date out of sync). How do I sign in to my hard phone?

Please refer to this guide on how to check you hard phone settings and perform sign-in.

4. What is the warranty and support of my Jabra headset? Can I exchange my old headset with a new one?

Headset is centrally supported by NUS IT contractor with 3-year hardware warranty. However, it is department asset and was provided during SFB implementation stage.  Unless the headset is not working, there is no exchange for headset due to wear and tear.


Please check with your department phone admin for more info.

5. How do I remove and assign Speed-Dial buttons on my Polycom Phone?

By default, the Speed-Dial buttons are assigned according to your SFB Favourites contact list and/or your Delegation contact list.


If you want to overwrite it, press the Home Menu button -> Settings -> Features > Line Key Customization > Customize Line Keys > Select “Enabled”.  Once enabled, go back to “Line Key Customization” Menu, select “Phone Line Keys” and proceed to assign a contact on items labelled as “(blank)”.   The number corresponds to the sequential button of your phone.


Changing “Customize Line Keys” to Disabled will restore the Favourite contact list.

6. From hard phone, how can I quickly check the missed call entries?

Press Down Arrow (↓) button on you hard phone, you can see a history of Call Lists (Missed Calls).

7. I have forwarded my office number (SFB) to my mobile number, but when there is an incoming call or missed call, my mobile phone only display NUS mainline (“65166666”), not the caller’s number. Why?

The number (“6516 6666”) you see is actually the mainline number of the NUS Campus. The reason is that the caller’s number (such as mobile phone number) does not fall within the range of numbers subscribed by NUS. When it is forwarded to SingTel telephony system, only NUS main number will be displayed due to technical restriction.


One way to overcome this is to use SFB’s mobile app instead of using call forward.

8. What is the default PIN for general staff hard phone and for a common phone (not tied to a staff)?

SFB’s hard phone sign-in uses 5-digit extension and PIN.  The default PIN is 68775973 for general staff phone and 123580 for facility phone (common or meeting room).

9. Can I pass my hard phone to my colleague to use? Do I need to submit request to change the display name?

SFB hard phone now is department asset. Staff can pass the hard phone to other staff to use. Just simply sign-out and ask other staff to sign in with his/her extension and PIN. The Display name will change accordingly.

10. What are the guidelines pertaining to the Display Name on Polycom hard phone?

If the phone is used for general staff, the Display Name on the phone will follow NUS Contact.  If the phone is used as a common or facility phone, the Display Name shall rightly reflect the location of the place including department initials.  The length of name will be limited to 15 characters including hyphen (-) or underscore (_).

11. One of my staff left NUS but we need to retain the DID number for new staff who has not joined. What should I request for this scenario?

Please submit a Service Request with “UC-S-UNASSIGNUSER” code. On the display name field just fill in as “Spare_<PhoneNumber>”.  Once the new staff user ID is ready, you can submit another request “UC-S-REASSIGNUSER” to assign the DID number.

IDD Calls

1. How can I make IDD calls with SFB hard phone or soft phone?

If your IDD calls are to be charged to your department, you can use “Direct IDD Calls” or “IDD Calls via PIN Authentication” (“NUS IDD” service). Your department’s Phone Admin can grant you access based on your staff ID.


Alternatively you can register your DID number with IDD Service Providers to make personal IDD calls. Refer to this link for more info.

Note:   In SFB, IDD calls refer to calling an overseas landline with a telephone number.  Using SFB to call external SFB or public Skype user over the Internet is free and is not considered IDD calls.

2. What is the difference between “Direct IDD” and “NUS IDD”?

Direct IDD refer to staff who can make IDD call directly without PIN authentication.  To enable Direct IDD Calls permission, Department Phone Administrators shall submit a BOSS request with approval before the permission could be granted by BOSS Support Team.

NUS IDD refers to staff who need to use PIN authentication before making IDD calls.  Staff can use “NUS IDD” contact in soft phone or “NUS IDD” service button on hard phone to do this.  To activate NUS IDD call permission, Department Phone Administrators could enable it for their staff via BOSS Management Console.

Refer to this link  for more info.

3. Can I make IDD calls from a Polycom conference phone or an analog phone connected to an MP112 device?

Yes. Just dial *88 and you will be prompted for authentication (NUS IDD). Or just dial “019+ country code + area code + number” (Direct IDD)

4. Why is SingTel STD 020 service not offered for making IDD call?

SingTel STD 020 is not offered because it is charged in a different way from IDD services and there will be large discrepancies in the internal billing. We recommend that you use the SingTel 019 IDD service for economical calls to Malaysia.

5. How can I make personal IDD calls?

If you have registered your NUS DID number with an IDD service provider (like SunPage 1521 and NTT 1517), you can dial “9+IDD Prefix+country code+area code+number”. Note that the IDD prefix excludes SingTel’s 001, 013 and 019 services as these are reserved for NUS corporate use only.

6. Why am I not able to use the SingTel 104 operator-assisted IDD service?

IDD calls made by the SingTel 104 operator-assisted IDD service will be charged to NUS and NUS Information Technology will not be able to identify the department making the call for charging purposes. Therefore this service cannot be accessed from the NUS IPTel Phones.

7. Why does my SFB hard phone or soft phone only display "From OVERSEAS" and not the caller's ID when I receive an IDD call?

The display of the overseas’ caller’s ID depends on foreign service provider. If the foreign service provider does not forward the caller’s ID to SingTel, our SFB hard phone or soft phone will not display the number.

8. Can I charge my IDD calls to another department which I am working with on projects?

Yes. Supposed you are working with another department A. First, approach the Phone A Administrator of department A to activate for you. You will be given a charge code for your IDD calls. Enter this charge code when you make IDD calls. The costs of the IDD calls will then appear in the telephony bill of department A.

9. How do I enter the IDD Charge Code when making IDD calls?

To enter Charge Code when using the NUS IDD Service:



  1. Press “More” button on your SFB Hard Phone
  2. Select “NUS IDD” from the menu
  3. Enter Staff ID, ‘*’, PIN, ‘*’, Charge Code and ‘#’ when prompted e.g. if your Staff ID is “034511″, PIN is “765412” and Charge Code is “1” enter “034511*765412*1#”
  4. Enter the IDD service provide prefix and the overseas number e.g. to use SingTel VO IP dial “019<country code><area code><telephone number>”

Note that the default Charge Code of ‘0’ need not be entered.


1. How does voice mail work in SFB?

Voice mail in SFB works in the same way as in other telephony system.  When enabled, it allows voice messages to be recorded when calls are not answered, or when your line is busy.

The voicemail in SFB is integrated with your Outlook email, stored in your inbox as .wav audio files which you can play using your computer.  It allow you to use SFB client to customize your greeting or access and manage your messages, bringing a unified communication messaging platform for seamless access.

Refer to this link for more info.

2. What is the charges of Voice mail? Do I have to apply for voice mail service in SFB?

Voice mail is not enabled by default when staff SFB telephony services are enabled.  Staff who requires voice email shall approach their department phone admin to request for it.  The charges is $1 per month for each user, with a one-time activation charge of $5.

3. Is there a limit of voice mail messages to be stored in SFB? And what is the limit of length of each voice mail message?

As SFB voice mail is integrated with Outlook email, and stores the messages in user’s inbox, the limit of voice mail messages depends your email storage limit.  Typically, the caller can leave a voice mail message for up to 5 minutes.

4. How do I know if I have new voice messages?

When you have new voice mails, you shall see a number appearing in your SFB client Dial Pad.  You shall also see the voice mail messages appearing in your Inbox.



A solid red light on the top right of the Polycom phone also indicates new voice mail messages are waiting (message waiting indicator or MWI light).

5. How do I access or manage my voice mail if I am away or not able to access my email?

You can dial to Message Centre hotline 65161188, enter your 5-digit extension and your SFB PIN to access your voicemail from anywhere.



You SFB PIN is the same PIN used for hard phone login, IDD call and voice mail access.

6. How do I change my voice mail greeting?

Please refer to this guide on how to change your default voice mail greeting.

7. My department has a hard phone in a meeting room. Can we request to have voice mail for this line?

In SFB, hard phone in a common place like meeting room is using facility phone setup concept based on a dummy account. Due to technical limitation, facility phone using a dummy account can’t be enabled with voice email.  Department shall apply for a box account and request to reconfigure the phone to use a box account before voice mail service can be enabled.

8. How does a user know if the Voicemail function is enabled for his/her DID extension?

Please check with your department phone administrators.