FAQ Billing, BOSS and others | Skype for Business @ NUS

FAQ Billing, BOSS and others


1. What is the costing structure under the new SFB phone system charge model?

The costing structure covers the following:

  1. Phone set charges (one time)
  2. Installation and service activation charges (one time)
  3. Soft phone and DID charges: $8.50 per month per user (or line).
  4. Usage charges: outgoing call charges for local or overseas calls. Incoming call or call within NUS are free.

2. What is the billing cycle of the BOSS system?

The bills will be generated on the 11th day of the month. Upon generation, an email will be sent to the department Bill Administrators. The Bill Administrator can log in to the system to view, print or save the bills which are generated in PDF format.

The departments will be given 5 days to review their bills & are allowed to make amendments to their Account No, GL Code or WBS allocation.

On the 16th day of the month, the bills will be frozen & another email will be sent to the department Bill Administrator to print their final bills.

The following are the different components in the bill:

  1. Service – Subscription (Recurring)- This service charges will be billed in advance
  2. Usage – Local / IDD
    – System will be printing the usage based on previous calendar month.
  3. One Time
    – All onetime services such as Installation / Termination & Ad-hoc related charges will be billed in the current month. Billing for Installation / Termination & Ad-hoc jobs are also based on previous calendar month.

3. How do departments receive their telephony service bills?

The departments will only receive an email to view their bills. Every individual department’s Bill Administrator will be allowed to print their bills themselves. The bills will be generated in the PDF Format.

4. How do I pay the bills?

If your department has a WBS with OFS, then no action is required on your part as NUS IT will submit the electronic record to OFS for deduction on the 16th day of the month. If there are any WBS adjustments after the 16th day the Bill Admin need to contact the staff assigned to the department in OFS to make the adjustments. For external departments who do not have a WBS in OFS NUS IT will send a hardcopy invoice and payment will be made via the normal channels.

5. What happens if there are disputes regarding the bill?

If there is any dispute, the department’s Bill Administrator has to notify Operator via email with details of the discrepancy. After review the Operator may create Debit / Credit Notes and the next bill will be adjusted. If you have any further enquiries, please contact our BOSS Operator at nusboss@nus.edu.sg.

6. Can departments retrieve previous months' bills?

Yes, they can retrieve bills for up to 12 previous months.

7. Can the telephony billable services be grouped into various accounts for ease of bill management?

Yes, the charges in the bill will be grouped by Account No.

8. Why is there an "Administrative Charge" imposed on the bill and how is this calculated?

The Administrative Charge of 7% of the total amount will be levied on the bill. This is to cover the costs of GST and other administrative overheads that NUS IT incur when purchasing equipment and services from external vendors and service providers. It is calculated as 7% of the total amount (i.e. subscription + local usage + IDD usage + one-time charges).

9. How do we charge the "Administrative Charge" in our department accounting?

Since the charges for each month already includes the “Administrative Charge”, it will use the same GL codes for accounting purposes and paid with the same set of WBS codes similar to subscribed equipment and services.

10. How can I set up my bills so that different Service No. are charged to different WBS in my department?

The BOSS system provides a Bill Setup function. The Bill Administrator can request for multiple Account No. and associate the different WBS to each Account No. The various BOSS Service Nos. can then be charged to the Account No.

BOSS System

1. What are the roles in the BOSS system that each department is required to assign staff to?

The roles in the BOSS system are:

  1. Phone/Service Administrator – Staff assigned to perform administrative tasks regarding the telephone and telecommunications matters of the department. He/she will be responsible for making requests and changes for IP Phones, network/power points, fax and direct lines.  He/she is to liaise with NUS IT Care, NUS IT SFB support team and SingTel as well as keeping records of departmental phone assets, staff assignments, phone book, department directory and telephone numbers.
  2. Service Admin – This is an expanding role in the near future to include all NUS CC-provided IT services e.g. temp cards, internet access bandwidth etc.
  3. Bill Administrator – Staff assigned to determine the WBS for charging IPTel and IT services provided by NUS IT. He/she will also be informed of generated bills for verification prior to charging the dept.
  4. Approver – Staff assigned to approve or reject requests made by Phone/Service
  5. Administrator – Preferably a Senior Admin Office or higher in position. A staff can be both the Phone/Service and Bill Administrator but an Approver must not be a Phone/Service or Bill Administrator. We recommend that each department should have more than one Phone/Service/Bill Administrator and Approver.

2. Who do I inform when is a change of staff for these?

The current Phone/Service Admin should inform the BOSS Operator when there are such changes.

3. After I have submitted the request, can I cancel it?

You can cancel the request online if it is not approved yet. If it is already approved, you must inform the Operator directly and have the Operator reject the request.

4. After I have submitted the request for approval but the Approver has not taken any action, can I re-submit the request to another Approver?

Yes, you can re-submit the request to another Approver anytime and an email will be sent to notify the previous Approver.

5. Are all service requests chargeable?

No, please refer to the Price Plan in the UC Portal. Note that the BOSS Operator can determine charges for non-standard miscellaneous services or waive service charges if there are any disputes.

6. After I have received the bill notification on the first day of the month, how much time do I have to verify the bill?

You should verify the bill according to your departmental process as soon as you can. The Bill Admin has 6 calendar days to make changes to the allocation of charges to the WBS in the BOSS system before the bill is sent to OFS for deduction. Any dispute should be identified and resolved with the BOSS Operator prior to the next billing cycle.

7. Why am I not able to display all the buttons and menu options on the screen?

You should maximize the screen window and your PC’s screen resolution should be at least 1024×768 (1280×1024 recommended) to see all the menu options and buttons. You can set the screen display resolution from the “Settings” tab in the Display function of the Control Panel menu.

8. When I am performing a Service Request, why does the lookup table not display all the Service Codes when I click on the magnifying glass at the "Service Code" field?

The lookup table only displays Service Code relevant to the Service No. (and its Product Code) which have been entered.

9. Why do I see "old" information displayed on my PC after the changes have been completed whereas another PC displays the updated information?

The browser “cache” on your PC may not have been refreshed automatically so old data is kept and displayed. To clear the cache, if you are using Internet Explorer, please select the Internet Options from the Tools menu. From the General tab click the “Delete Files…” from the Temporary Internet Files section. Click OK to close the window and retry the Enquiry or Report as before. You may use other browser like Chrome if you have issues using Internet Explorer.

10. I have a requirement that is not standard - how can I submit such requests?

Please submit such requests via the BOSS Miscellaneous Request function. The Product Code can be OTH-MISC and you should enter all the details in the Service Particulars field.

Campus Directory

1. How are the staff phone number in the Campus Directory updated? Do I need to update it manually when there's a change in the department?

The Campus Directory (CD) obtains its data from the BOSS system. The CD will list the assigned extension for that staff based on the indicated preference as listed in BOSS. The Service Admin should indicate whether the extension is to be listed in the CD during the new extension product request or when re-assigning the extension. The department Campus Directory Admin will only update the Campus Directory data manually for non-IPTel users.

2. How often does the Campus Directory update its information?

The Campus Directory system update its data daily in conjunction with the BOSS database. Changes will be reflected in the following day.

3. How does a Service Admin indicate the preferred phone number for a staff in the Campus Directory?

The BOSS system has a function “Set Preferred Campus Dir Ext” in the Department User Set Up menu. Service Admin can set the preferred extension number to be displayed for the assigned staff in the department.

4. How can I check the staff assignment of the extensions and the number to be displayed for a staff?

You can perform an “Extension Enquiry” in the BOSS system for your department. The list will include all the extensions, their assignment and the settings for display in the Campus Directory.

5. I have multiple extension numbers in my department. Will the Campus Directory display all the extension numbers?

No, the Campus Directory can only display one extension number in a department. The department Service Admin must indicate which assigned extension is to be displayed in the campus directory.

6. I have different extension numbers in two departments. Will the Campus Directory display both extension numbers?

Yes, if each extension is assigned to a different User ID the Campus Directory can display both extension numbers. However each department Service Admin must ndicate the assigned extension to be displayed in the campus directory. With NUS moving towards a single NUS-ID, each staff shall only be assigned with one extension number.