nVPN (NUS Virtual Private Network) allows eligible individuals to securely access NUS resources remotely from any internet source, as if they were directly connected to the campus network.

NUS VPN is required:

  • to access restricted services and resources on the NUS campus network.
  • if you need remote access to NUS systems or on-campus workstations (via Remote Desktop Protocol [RDP]).

Who can use it?

nVPN is available to Staff and Students of NUS. It is also available to visitors of NUS who are granted with a valid NUS-ID and NUS email.

The use of this service is governed by the NUS Acceptable Use Policy.

How do I get it?

You can connect to nVPN by installing and configuring a VPN Client on your workstation (desktop/laptop). VPN Client installer, installation and configuration guides are available in nTouch.

VPN Client (Pulse Secure) is also available for mobile client. Mobile client can be installed from the respective App Store (Apple App Store and Google Play Store).

Where can I get more information?

To get more information about nVPN, go to nTouch and search for nVPN.

You can also Chat with ALCA with #nVPN.