Network Connectivity

NUSNET is the campus-wide network which inter-connects NUS departments in 90 buildings and covers a campus area of 150 hectares. It serves a population of 32,000 students, and 8,000 academic, research and administrative staff members.

Multiple faculty-based VLANs are constructed based on port numbers over multiple switches for logical grouping of users for security and minimizing the size of the broadcast and multicast domains. NUSNET supports routing protocols of TCP/IP for Internet and Intranet services.

As of today, NUSNET provides over 30,000 network points for data and video transmission serving 20,000 network nodes and 15,000 SPnP (Secure Plug-and-Play) points. Network services and accesses include a Cray supercomputer, UNIX-based servers and workstations, database servers, Web servers, Netnews servers, FTP servers, course online servers, file and print servers, Internet, VPN clients, wireless access points, IP telephony, messaging servers, personal computers running various Windows platforms, Linux, Macintosh, etc.

NUSNET provides a wealth of network services with gateways to Internet, e-journal, Dow Jones and Government Intranet, NUScast, newsfeed of Carinet, CDROM databases, board-room video- conferencing, desktop video-conferencing, PPP remote access and Video-on-Demand (VoD). VoD allows users to select and view an archive of video clips at their own leisure. The VoD offers a high quality playback of 30 frames per second. Users can play, rewind or forward with a customized front-end GUI menu developed in-house.