PC Cluster

PC Clusters are venues on within NUS campus with Windows or Mac computers for use by NUS community. These computers are installed with standard software such as Microsoft Office and Adobe Suite. Some cluster are also equipped with printers for your printing needs, but the printing service is chargeable. There are also PC clusters managed by individual faculties, which has computers installed with specialised software.


Who can use it?

PC Cluster is available to Staff and Students. Do note that your staff/student card is required for access into the PC cluster.

PC clusters in Faculties are generally restricted to their own staff and students.


How much does it cost?

There is no cost to use the computers in the clusters. However, do note that any printing services will be chargeable.


How do I get it?

PC clusters are located at the following locations:

Location General Opening Hours Type of Computer No of Computers
PC Commons, Level 1, Education Resource Centre (ERC), UTown Mon to Sun
08:00 – 22:00
Windows 53
Mac Commons, Level 1, Education Resource Centre (ERC), UTown Mon to Sun
08:00 – 22:00
Mac 27
NUSSU commIT Computer Centre, Level 2, AS8 Mon to Fri
09:30 – 18:30
Windows 45
NUSSU commIT Computer Centre, Yusof Ishak House (YIH), Level 3 Mon to Fri
09:30 – 18:30
Windows 45
Hon Sui Sen Memorial Library, Kent Ridge campus Mon to Fri
09:00 – 18:00
Windows 12
CJ Koh Law Library, Bukit Timah campus Mon to Fri
09:00 – 18:00
Windows 24

For PC clusters managed by the Faculties, please check with the respective Faculty on the location, operating hours, and software availability.