FAQ: Notebook Ownership

Why notebooks?

Today’s notebook computers are as powerful as their desktop counterparts. They are comparable in weight and size to many of the textbook students carry. They offer color, sound and large storage capacity (320 GB or more). Most are equipped with Combo (DVD/CDRW) drives. With portability, students can have 24-hour access to the campus network.

What notebooks do I have to purchase?

You have a choice. You can either purchase the notebook from the NUS notebook tender or purchase the notebook from other vendors that you know.

What minimum technical features should the notebook computer have?

In general, your notebook should be running Windows 7 Professional. The notebooks for academic year 2010/11 come with Windows 7 Professional. Generally, a notebook with Intel Core i3-330UM, 4GB RAM, 320GB hard disk, 11.6″ TFT color screen, built-in network (LAN), built-in wireless, and DVD drive is recommended.
The specifications of the notebooks in the NUS Ownership Scheme come in a range of processing power depending on your needs. Click here to see the full range of notebooks.

What advantage is there if I purchase from NUS notebook tender?

Purchasing from the NUS notebook tender guarantees the following:

Tested to work with NUS network resources.

Very good price-performance for the features offered.

Reputable vendor.

3-year on-site hardware service and support of 1-year regional or international warranty.

Computer Centre’s and Faculty IT Staff to help you in case of trouble.

Pick-up points outside of campus in case the notebook is spoilt for some of the vendors.

Financing schemes to help you pay for the notebook from the vendor.

Participate in an exciting and innovative project that will make you an IT wizard.

So, what are you waiting for!

What peripheral(s) will be provided if I purchase from the NUS Notebook tender?

Almost everything you need comes in the bundle. However, you may want to buy a short network cable for use with the Secure Plug and Play points in campus.

What peripherals can I purchase on my own?

You are free to purchase additional peripherals and upgrade the notebook. It belongs to you. If you purchase from the NUS notebook tender, a list of optional items is provided on this Web page.