Student Email
Lifelong Email in the Cloud with 50GB!
You are getting a new, bigger and better 50GB mailbox! What’s more, this new email address will be yours for life even after you graduate. Hosted on the Cloud using Microsoft Office 365, your mailbox will come with a new email domain:

For students in Duke-NUS and Yale-NUS, your email domain will be and respectively.
When you graduate, you may continue to use your lifelong email. However, you will not be able to access Student e-Services (e.g. ISIS, CORS, digital library etc.), OneDrive and Lync as these are for current students.
When using your email facility provided to you by NUS, please continue to comply with all NUS IT policies including the Acceptable Use Policy for IT resources at
While NUS will take reasonable steps to facilitate a user-friendly email service that is hosted in the Cloud to enhance your email account, NUS has no control regarding your use of email communications (e.g. when you send personal data via email). We strongly encourage you to manage your own email account responsibly when you communicate with others using the new email account. Please be reminded that you should continue to use strong passwords, not share your email with anyone, and secure your highly confidential information e.g. by using encryption.