Digital Enablement Community of Practice Event 2022!

20 Jan 2022

On the 11th of January, after a considerable time since we had physical events, NUS IT organised a “Digital Enablement Community of Practice” event to celebrate the achievements of our NUS colleagues who took the time and effort to improve their work processes and effectiveness using Digital Enablement (DE) tools.

DPA Mr Clarence Ti and CITO Ms Tan Shui-Min taking the stage

We are honoured that our Deputy President of Administration, Mr Clarence Ti and our very own Chief Information Technology Officer, Ms Tan Shui-Min, graced this event and shared their insights about the initiative and the NUS Digital Enablement Journey.

The spotlight was shone on our colleagues from 3 departments who shared with the audience the wonderful digital enablement journey  that they embarked on:

• University Campus Infrastructure

How they digitalised and automated business and manual processes using automation tools which in turn created an innovative and smart experience, made work easier and improved the lives of their staff.

NUS College of Design and Engineering

How they automated the sending of a huge amount of the Continuing Education & Training programme surveys to respondents as well as tracked their individual responses. Through this automation, the response rate for surveys administered in 2021 improved from 45% to 100%.

NUS Business School

How the team in business school overcame manual and time-consuming processes and challenges related to MBA admissions using automation tools which increased internal efficiency, saved man-hours and created a pleasant and better experience for students.

Colleagues from the 3 departments

We also had 80 staff who attended the DE programme and created at least 1 business use case using the DE tools, and they were awarded Basic, Intermediate or Expert Digital Badges based on the complexity of their use cases.

3 categories of Digital Badges

This year, we had 2 new categories to accord recognition for exemplary DE efforts from both departments and staff, namely:

MODEL (Most Digitally Enabled) Department – which recognises departments that have created waves through their Digital Enablement initiatives and are role models in the field

FRIENDS (Forward in Excellence and Digitally-Savvy) of DE award goes to individuals who have completed the required training and worked to promote digital practices and ways of working, playing a substantial role in the development and delivery of new digital initiatives in their respective departments.

DPA gave the MODEL award to the following departments:


NUS School of Medicine

Office of Human Resource

And the FRIENDS  of DE award were presented to:

Ng Hoong Chang from Registrar’s Office

Norwedad Binte Sunny from NUS Business School

Soh Hock Heng, Junius from University Campus Infrastructure

Receiving awards from Guest of Honour

With that the event closed with a big thank you to our Guest- Of-Honour, Mr Clarence Ti CITO Ms Tan Shui-min for their support, and the DE team for putting this inspiring event together.

Most of all, we would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to all achievers and award recipients. Stay awesome and let’s look forward to 2022!

Group Photos of various groups

NUS IT and our DE team hope that through  sharing and awards, everybody can appreciate the capabilities of digital automation tool in reducing complex and manual tasks into simple but yet effective procedures; and inspire one another to embark on a digital enablement journey.

CITO Ms Tan Shui with colleagues from the NUS IT

To find out more about NUS IT and our DE team; and what the digital enablement tools can do for you, visit our website here.

Organised by NUS IT; lead by the Digital Enablement team and supported by many DE enablers from all over NUS, the Community of Practice event recognises and celebrates a successful implementation of digitised and improved work process by departments and individuals.