
FAQ: Miscellaneous

FAQ: MiscellaneousWhat happens to my notebook if I do not graduate from NUS?It belongs to you after you have made the relevant repayments to cover or cancel your loan/lease.What happens to my notebook if I withdraw from NUS?It belongs to you after you have made the relevant repayments to cover

FAQ: Service & Support

FAQ: Service & Support Vendor Hardware Support & Service • 3 years parts and services on-campus • 4 business hours on-campus response • Loaner set available if notebook is not repaired within 3 business days • 1 year worldwide warranty I purchased the notebook from the NUS notebook tender and

Software Center (for Windows)

Software Center (for Windows) How to launch Software Center? Please go to Windows “Start Menu” as shown below to use Software Center to install NUS licensed software. What is Software Center? Software Center is an application used for: Installing NUS licensed Windows software ranging from Office Applications to specialized software such as

PC Clusters

PC Clusters To give students access to campus network, internet and e-services, abundant personal computer clusters are made available within campus. These clusters can be located in Computer Centre, Computer Based Learning Centre (CBLC) in Libraries and various locations in the Faculties. In May 2007, Computer Centre launched the ThinkLab