2008 Awards

All 2008 Awards

Computer Centre won the MIS Asia 2008 IT Excellence Award
    Computer Centre won the MIS Asia 2008 IT Excellence Award 2008 Computer Centre won the MIS Asia 2008
    Most Visionary SAP Customer Award for 2008

      Through team spirit for striving quality performance, Computer Centre has presented a skit “Gallery Walk through a World of Ideas” which comfortably convey the message on re-imagining the IT services.

      IQ Projects won at NUS Quality Service Day 2007/2008
        IQ Projects won at NUS Quality Service Day 2007/2008 2008 Award Received Project Submitted Project Team/Individual Outstanding Award
        Gold for Fire Safety Inspection 2008
          Gold for Fire Safety Inspection 2008 2008 Computer Centre has achieved Gold for the Fire Safety Inspection, a