4 Awards Won at National Innovation And Quality Circles (NIQC) Convention 2007


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National Innovation and Quality Circles (NIQC) Convention 2007 organized by SPRING Singapore promotes teams of individuals working together to enhance innovation and quality in enterprises. Competing amongst 74 submissions from organizations such as MINDEF, HDB, ITE, Sembcorp Design & Construction, AMD, Philip Electronics, Seagate Technology, schools and others, Computer Centre & ITU Teams walked away with 2 Gold, 1 Silver and 1 Bronze at the NIQC Convention 2007 held on 29 Aug, 2007.

Awards Projects Project Team/Group
Gold An Auto Pilot to Hacker’s Intrusions Computer Centre: Fong Lian Sherman Xie Ma Hui Juan Alvin Leong
A successful intrusion attempt amounts to a compromise of the machine, which will in turn incur cost of productivity, recovery and damage to the NUS image.This in-house developed mechanism automatically detects traces, identifies intruding culprits and lodges reports to the relevant authorities. The mechanism not only frees the incident handler the manual work, it also uplifts the credibility and image of NUS information security incident handling and response capability.
Gold Proposal Submission and Conference Registration System ITU (FASS): Kwok Wai Tat, Neo Sian Hu Tan Keok Tay Centre for Language Studies: Chan Wai Meng Chen Ing Ru T Kim Dong-Ha Takeda Makoto Computer Centre: Kong Yen Teck
An online system that facilitates the convenience for conference proposal submission, registration and administrative function by sharing common information of delegates across systems, flexibility for conference delegates to manage personal information, and with robust search capabilities.The system has helped the faculty with an annual cost-savings of about $34,431.06, for organizing at least three conferences, seminars or event such as home-coming for alumni every year.
Silver Graduation and Academic Planning System Office of Programmes (FASS): A/P Yong Mun Cheong ITU (FASS): Amelia Pang Andelina Lim Chiu Kok Onn Neo Sian Hu FASS (Dean’s Office): Bun Pui Yoke Registrar’s Office: Shaw Lay Pheng Computer Centre: Kong Yen Teck
GAPS is a 1-stop service where students of Faculty of Arts Social Sciences (FASS) can declare/change their course module majors and minors; classify modules into various graduation requirements; compare those that have read against graduation requirements; formulate personal study plans; and file for graduation with accumulated modules.The system also facilitates academic advisors in monitoring students’ academic progress with clear and helpful advice. Launched in early 2004, the system has gone through various enhancements, and has reaped an annual cost savings of approx. $130,500.
Bronze NUS NoSpamMail Computer Centre: Tan Khon Han Wong Eik Lin Seet Lik Hau Ghee Chao Ping Sherman Xie Alvin Leong Ma HuiJuan Yong Fong Lian Chew-Goh Swee Wah
NUS NoSpamMail takes a central but user-centric approach that tightly integrates with the NUSmail, detects and redirects suspected spam emails, and consolidates them into a Spam folder automatically with an ageing limit of 30 days.The management of the Spam folder is left to the discretion of the individual user. It also incorporates sophisticated heuristic rules and artificial intelligence to analyze email header and content based on multiple levels of characteristics to produce spam confidence rating. An annual cost saving of S$550,000 was achieved, through interpreting 200 hours of staff and students productivity saved daily.