ISO 9001 Certification


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NUS Computer Centre was awarded the ISO 9001 certification since 04 October 1999. The certification is valid for a period of three years and subject to the continued satisfactory operation of our Quality Management System. The last recertification was accomplished on 23rd September 2005. Surveillance audit is conducted half-yearly during the certification period.

The scope of the certification covers:

  1. Design, development, implementation and maintenance of application software
  2. Design, development, implementation and maintenance of systems services
  3. Design, development and operation of networks
  4. Data Centre Operations
  5. Database, data and application systems administration
  6. Academic and high performance computing
  7. Infocomm Security
  8. Management of user support as interface to (1) to (7)

The certification is valid for a period of three years and subject to the continued satisfactory operation of our Quality Management System. Surveillance audit is conducted half-yearly during the certification period.

The quality indicators identified covered mainly the following areas :

    1. 99.95% uptime availability per month for critical services
    2. 99.50% uptime availability per month for major services
    3. 99.00% uptime availability per month for isolated services
    4. Less than 1% hardware failure per month for edge services
    5. Less than 10% hardware failure per month for pc cluster
Systems Services
    1. 99.95% uptime availability per month for mission critical servers
Data Centre
    1. 99.95% uptime availability per month for electrical power and air-conditioning for CC, PGP
Academic and High Performance Computing
    1. 99.5% accessibility to a cluster of compute servers
    2. First response to be provided within the same working day and solution recommendation within 3 working days for 90% email enquiries received
Infocomm Security
    1. Percentage of Incidents resolved within 24 hours (working hours) should not be less than 90
    2. No of break-ins for mission critical services due to known vulnerabilities = 0
Application Group (CIS and AIS)
    1. Percentage of service requests which are problem should not exceed 5%
    2. Percentage of service requests completed within agreed timeframe should not be less than 90%
    1. 99.95% uptime availability per month for mission-critical databases
IT Care
Report Channel Severity Level Resolution Time Targets
Phone 1 < 6 hours 80%
2 < 1 business day
3 < 2 business days
e-Mail 1 < 6 hours 80%
2 < 1 business day
3 < 2 business days
Walk-in 1 < 6 hours 80%
2 < 1 business day
3 < 2 business days
Dispatch 1 < 6 hours 80%
2 < 1 business day
3 < 2 business days
Report Channel Reponse Time Targets
Voice Mail < 30 mins 80%
e-Mail < 1 business day 80%
Phone Pick-up Rate call answered (excluding calls abandoned within 25s) 80%
Administration: Training and Suppliers
    1. At least 80% of purchases (more than $2,000 and less than $50,000) over a period of 6 months to be delivered on time
    2. Average no of hours of training per year per staff should be more than 40