We’re featured on GovInsider: An Interview with NUS Chief Information Technology Officer Ms Tan Shui-Min

15 July 2021

We are extremely thrilled that our Chief Information Technology Officer, Tan Shui-Min, was recently featured in an interview with GovInsider regarding NUS’ initiatives to use Virtual Reality (VR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for learning.

In the article, Ms Tan highlighted the numerous tools and projects undertaken by NUS to create more immersive remote learning using emerging technologies. She also elaborated on the various initiatives that NUS has in place to train staff for a digital future.

Applications employed for classroom use mentioned in the article were developed in collaboration with NUS IT. Some examples covered were the SafeSim Risk application, a 3D simulation game that simulates a real-world construction site and the Nucleophile Point of View (NuPOV) application, which allows students to visualise molecular chemical sciences concepts and interact with them via AR.

Expounding on NUS IT’s efforts to upgrade staff in IT skills as part of NUS IT’s Digital Training Strategy, Ms Tan shared about NUS IT’s staff training as part of the Digital Enablement Programme (NUS VPN required). The Programme has trained 4,000 NUS staff since its commencement last year, and continues to enable staff to develop their technical know-how.

For more information on the development of tech-enhanced applications that NUS IT plays an integral part in, please visit our NUS IT InterReality Technologies Portal.

Thank you to GovInsider for this meaningful feature. Congratulations to Ms Tan Shui-Min who spearheaded these efforts, as well as our development teams who worked tirelessly on these initiatives.

Read our feature on GovInsider at this link!

GovInsider is a platform with an audience of 1.1 million readers in regional prime ministers’ and city mayors’ offices that promotes government innovation across Asia Pacific. Its mission is to support public servants, helping them innovate and create new services.