1990s Achievements

All 1990s Achievements

ISO 9001 Certified
ISO 9001 Certified 1999 NUS Computer Centre was awarded the ISO 9001 certification.
Internet Bandwidth Raised To 8Mbps
Internet Bandwidth Raised To 8Mbps 1999 NUS Internet bandwidth was increased to 8 Megabit per second (Mbps).
First SingAREN Link To Korea At 2Mbps
First SingAREN Link To Korea At 2Mbps 1999 Established the first SingAREN (Singapore Advanced Research & Education Network)
Launch Of Secured Plug-n-Play (SPnP) Network
Launch Of Secured Plug-n-Play (SPnP) Network 1998 Launched the secured Plug-n-Play (SPnP) network with over 1,000 network access
Launch Of NUS Student Notebook Ownership Scheme
Launch Of NUS Student Notebook Ownership Scheme 1998 The NUS Student Notebook Ownership Scheme was launched, aimed at