Office 365 ProPlus eGuide
Installing Office 365 ProPlus
To download Office 365 ProPlus on your machine(s), login to Office 365:
- Click Install Office 2016. A smallsetup file will be downloaded.
- Run this setup file to install Office 365 ProPlus

To download Office 365 on other software platforms, go to the Software page within your Office 365 site:
- From the main Office 365 landing page, click on the Other installs link located below the Install button.

- Choose the platform required from the list (Phone & Tablet, Etc).
- Click Install
Office for Mac Download
To download the Mac version, go to the Software page and the Mac version of the setup file will be downloaded. To activate the Mac version, enter your username in the format of when prompted to sign in.

Mobile and Tablet Versions
For mobile phone or tablet versions click on the Phone & Tablet link on the left hand side, choose your device and follow the instructions on-screen (alternatively get it direct from the app store on your device).