Distribution List

Distribution List (DL) is a collection of email addresses. DL allows you to easily send email to a group of people. You can decide whether anyone can send to the DL or restricted to those who can send to it.


Who can use it?

Distribution List is available for application by staff, with support from Head of Department.


How do I get it?

To create a new distribution list, please submit a request via nTouch with the support of HoD and justification.

As the DL owner, you will be responsible to:

• Determine the members of the DL.
• Add/Remove the members as and when its necessary.
• Decide who can send to the DL.
• Perform regular review to verify members of the DL and who can send to DL.

You are encouraged to use NUSgroups, a subscription-based mailing list for communication on subjects of special interest, to communicate with your audience. Recipients can unsubscribe from the email group if they wish to.


Where can I get more information?

For more information, go to nTouch and search for Distribution List.