NUSgroups is a service by NUS IT to create subscription-based mailing list to quickly create, own and manage groups to disseminate information to intended recipients. The owner of the group may specify that the membership be restricted or opened to all, as well as how messages are being disseminated within the group.
Who can use it?
NUSgroups is available to Staff and Student.
How do I get it?
Login here to create/join a NUSgroup. Note that the system is only accessible on NUS Network (on Campus or via VPN).
You will be prompted to enter your Username and Password.
Enter your NUS-ID in the format of nusstu\NUS-ID for student or nusstf\NUS-ID for staff.

Where can I get more information?
For more information, go to nTouch and search for NUSgroups.
You can also Chat with ALCA by typing #NUSgroups.