FriendlyMail is a service of NUSmail to customize the email address on your NUSmail to make it distinctively yours. This means you can kiss goodbye to that cryptic string of alphabets and numbers automatically assigned to the email address of every new NUS student or staff member. Outgoing mails will also be sent out using your brand new FriendlyMail address. Have fun!
Who can use it?
FriendlyMail is available to Staff and Student.
How do I get it?
Login here to set up your FriendlyMail.
You will be prompted to enter your Username and Password.
Enter your NUS-ID in the format of nusstu\NUS-ID for student or nusstf\NUS-ID for staff.

Where can I get more information?
For more information, go to nTouch and search for FriendlyMail.
You can also Chat with ALCA by typing #FriendlyMail.