

FAQ: MATLAB 1. How to start MATLABMatlab interface can be run on MobileVisLab or xterm window on Atlasx cluster open from HPC/SGD portal. Type ‘matlab’ at the command line prompt to start the Matlab interface. To quite Matlab at any time, enter ‘exit’ at the Matlab prompt. # matlab &

FAQ: Mathematica

FAQ: Mathematica 1. How to start MathematicaMathematica has two interfaces: command line interface and Graphical User Interface (GUI). To start the command line interface, enter command math and to start the graphics GUI, enter command mathematica GUI Mathematica is supported on MobileVisLab only. Command line based Mathematica can be run

FAQ: Maple

FAQ: Maple 1. What is Maple?Maple is a computer environment for doing mathematics. Symbolic, numerical, and graphical computations can all be done with Mapel. While simple problems can be solved with maple, its real power shows when given calculations that are extremly cumbersome or tediously repetitive to do by hand.

FAQ: Ensight

FAQ: Ensight 1. How do I get started?The best way to learn is by going through a few examples given in the “Getting Started” manual. The soft-copy manuals can be downloaded from Ensight website at http://www.ensight.com/downloads/index.php. 2. Where can I run EnsightEnsight can be run on MobileVisLab visualisation system. Enter the following command

FAQ: Abaqus

FAQ: Abaqus 1. How do I create my model in ABAQUS ABAQUS/CAE can be used to create your model. To start, issue the following commad at the prompt: For graphica sessions with 3D OpenGL graphics prompt:> abaqus cae For graphical sessions using X11 (without 3D OpenGL graphics: prompt:> abaqus cae

FAQ: Fluent & CFX

FAQ: Fluent & CFX 1. How do I apply and use ANSYS CFD Fluent/CFX Software?NUS staff and student can access and use ANSYS CFD software in the central HPC system. To start please register your NUS account for the HPC access. After your account is enabled in the HPC system,