

GROMACS GROMACS is a highly optimized open source molecular dynamics package primarily designed for biomolecular systems such as proteins and lipids that have a lot of complicated bonded interactions. Gromacs 5.0.4 is compiled and installed in the HPC cluster using different compilers and different levels of acceleration. Please use the following


GaussView GaussView 5 is the latest release of GaussView from Gaussian. You may use it to build molecules and visualize data from Gaussian. It is available on, MobileVisLab. To start up GaussView 5 : > gv5 Kindly note and comply with the following terms of our Gaussian/GaussView academic license.  Your usage of Gaussian/GaussView implies

New HPC Portal (Display Manager)

New HPC Portal (Display Manager) Login Registration of Your Account If it shows "you have already registered", click on to proceed. Allow Popup on Your Web Browser The First Login Page General Settings Display Manager Settings Graphic Applications Session Collaboration with Other Users X-term Sessions Panel Button A small

HPC Consulting Service

HPC Consulting ServiceService Description To provide consultation to researchers during the research project planning and budgeting phase with the aim to enable researchers to make informed decision in the acquisition of HPC solutions, resources and services to meet their research computing requirements. Scope of Service (1) Advise on solution options

Getting Started

Getting Started Access interactive & visual terminals – for modelling, visualization, code compilation, batch job submission and other computations Please enable JAVA on your computer before log into SGD portal. SGD@bobcat Introductory guide for new users.


Tecplot Tecplot 360 is a numerical simulation and data visualization software tool that helps you quickly plot and animate your data exactly the way you want it. Using Tecplot 360, you can analyze complex data, arrange multiple layouts, and communicate your results with professional images and animations. Of all the CFD


Gaussian Gaussian is a quantum chemistry program produced by Gaussian, Inc. Gaussian 16 Rev. A.03 is now available on all the HPC clusters. All Gaussian 16 jobs shall be submitted through PBS Pro job scheduler to the batch queues. You can submit serial, shared memory parallel and Linda parallel jobs to


EnSight EnSight is a full-featured finite element post-processing system. Whether your application is in structural analysis, computational fluid dynamics, or combustion modeling, EnSight provides useful standard visualisation features such as hidden lines/surfaces, contours, clipping planes, isosurfaces, vector arrows, particle tracing, annotation and 2D plotting, flipbook and keyframe animation. In addition,


R R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. R provides a wide variety of statistical (linear and nonlinear modelling, classical statistical tests, time-series analysis, classification, clustering, …) and graphical techniques, and is highly extensible. The S language is often the vehicle of choice for research in statistical