
NUS and Lenovo Open a $150,000 ThinkLab

NUS and Lenovo Open a $150,000 ThinkLab 2007 Lenovo Singapore and the National University of Singapore officially launched the ThinkLab at the University's Computer Centre - - an innovative PC lab designed to enable more efficiency and less downtime. ThinkLab facilitates students to See More, Hear More and Worry Less

NUS launches IT Disaster Recovery Centre

NUS launches IT Disaster Recovery Centre 2007 A $4.7 million NUS data centre now serves the University, protecting the vast information flow among the entire NUS population of faculty, staff and students. The IT Disaster Recovery Centre is a first for Singapore's higher education sector. Built by Siemens IT Solutions

TAG@Matriculation 2007 (just Tap-And-Go)

TAG@Matriculation 2007 (just Tap-And-Go) 2007 Matriculation 2007 saw more than 7000 students simply tap their newly matriculated student cards on the card readers, and within seconds, personal information was retrieved. TAG minimizes mundane Form-Filling for notebook orders, some clubs & societies registration, and long queues. TAG was initiated by Computer