We are proud to celebrate that NUS IT has achieved second place in Microsoft Singapore’s Power Apps Hackathon Competition!
Reimagine-Education Awards 2018
Reimagine-Education Awards 2018 2018 The Generation Y students who come into the pharmacy course are technology-savvy and digitally-focused. The Pharmacy development team identified their gaming habits and preferences for a pharmacy-related serious game. In general, students preferred a three-dimensional, post-apocalyptic game with a fantasy/medieval/mythic setting and an adventurer storyline, played
Winner Of Gold Award At The International Convention For Quality Control Circle 2015
Winner Of Gold Award At The International Convention For Quality Control Circle 2015 2015 The Mid-Term Advisory Report System Project Team won Gold at the prestigious International Convention for Quality Control Circle 2015 held in Korea. The project has transformed a manual system that lacked traceability and turned an error
Team Excellence Symposium 2012 (SILVER)
Team Excellence Symposium 2012 (SILVER) 2012 Award Received Project Submitted Project Team/Individual Team Excellence Symposium 2012 (SILVER) Developing Organization Agility through Shared Components Project AISpower Ong Chin Hwa, Jenson Goh, Ng Wee Yap, Tian Yingjiang, Pay Poh Ling, Neo Sian Hu, Leong Hong Fai
GEMS Award 2011 (NUHS)
GEMS Award 2011 (NUHS) 2011 The GEMS is a new award to reward employees who have demonstrated exemplary behaviour in line with NUHS’ core values (Compassion, Professionalism, Respect, Integrity, Collegiality, Learning and Teaching, Excellence and Social Responsibility). Gek Luang has won this award as a recognition of her efficient support,
NUS Quality Service Award 2011 (Service Advocate)
NUS Quality Service Award 2011 (Service Advocate) 2011 The NUS Quality Service Award provides recognition to administrative/professional and non-academic staff who demonstrates outstanding and exemplary performance in delivering consistent and high quality administrative service. GIAM Kok Leng has won this award.
Platinum Award for the Fire Safety Excellence Award 2011
Platinum Award for the Fire Safety Excellence Award 2011 2011 The award recognizes & rewards the fire safety compliance levels of NUS buildings. Computer Centre building was awarded the Building Fire Prevention Gold Award for consecutively 3 years, thus achieving the Platinum award in 2011.
Excellent Award for presentation at International Convention on Quality Control circles (ICQCC’11 Yokohama)

Excellent Award for presentation at International Convention on Quality Control circles (ICQCC’11 Yokohama) 2011 Team UHMS presented their IQ project, “Integrated Housing Solution for Effective Administration of Student Housing” at the Convention and was awarded the Excellent Award. The project is a collaboration between Computer Centre and Office of Student
Awards Won at National Innovation And Quality Circles (NIQC) Convention 2011
In late 2016, we have observed many hacking activities with the intent to exploit vulnerabilities of outdated Content Management System (CMS) and the plugins. CMS is a software used to manage the content of a website. Commonly used CMS includes WordPress, Joomla,…
IQ Projects won at NUS Quality Service Day 2009/2010
IQ Projects won at NUS Quality Service Day 2009/2010 2010 Award Received Project Submitted Project Team/Individual IQ Team Annual Awards (Outstanding Award) Centralize & Streamline Discretionary Admission Interview System Ong Chin Hwa, Leong Hong Fai, Cheong Ching Ching, Patricia Chua and Keith Phua FASt Application Tan Keok Tay, Loh Tiong