
NUSNET Complete

NUSNET Complete 1990 With the completion of NUSNET, the campus-wide network forms the backbone of the University's IT-intensive environment for the 90s and beyond. The high-speed FDDI fibre-optic network now links all the 93 academic and administrative departments and over 3,000 computers in all offices, classrooms, laboratories and halls of

Distributed Computing

Distributed Computing 1989 NUS has truly gone distributed computing. Personal computers were provided for each of its 1,300 academic staff members. NUS joined the privileged league of academic institutions in the world with access to supercomputing power when it established links to one of the two supercomputers in Singapore at

A New Era Of Communication

A New Era Of Communication 1987 A satellite link to BITNET opened a new era of communication between NUS and over 600 well established universities in the world. NUS introduced a campus-wide office automation system to more than 400 university administrators and office workers.