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» Central Data Masking Platform for collaborative research
By Kumar Sambhav, HPC Specialist, Research Computing on 7 Oct, 2019
Data is the fuel for each and every analytics project. Successful analytics projects depend not only on the quality of the data they process but also on the fact that the data should be coming from varied sources for a good sample space coverage.
How to use SecureMail
FAQ: Office 365 ProPlus

Cyber N’US 2019
At first glance, Ms. Paula Januszkiewicz’s sleek hairstyle, cool fashion sense, and youthful image combined with her compelling stage presence might lead you to believe that she is a famous music pop star or media personality. Few would believe that in reality, she is actually a world renowned cyber security expert who travels around the world over 250 days of the year to speak about this subject that she is supremely knowledgeable and passionate about.