#!/bin/bash #PBS -P Project_Name_of_Job #PBS -q gpu #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=6:ngpus=1 #PBS -j oe
HPC Consulting Service
HPC Consulting ServiceService Description To provide consultation to researchers during the research project planning and
Getting Started
Getting Started Access interactive & visual terminals – for modelling, visualization, code compilation, batch job
Tecplot Tecplot 360 is a numerical simulation and data visualization software tool that helps you quickly
Gaussian Gaussian is a quantum chemistry program produced by Gaussian, Inc. Gaussian 16 Rev. A.03 is
EnSight EnSight is a full-featured finite element post-processing system. Whether your application is in structural
R R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. R provides a wide
OOMMF OOMMF is a project in the Mathematical and Computational Sciences Division (MCSD) of ITL/NIST,
MilestonesHPC Development Milestones at NUS Computer Centre 2021 • Development and Deployment of ART Kit
HPC Microsite Template
DelveDelve Blue Sub Heading • List Item • List Item • List Item Click someone’s