Report Phishing button in Outlook

The Report Phishing button for Microsoft Outlook makes it easy for NUS staff and students to report any phishing or suspicious emails to NUS IT Security team.



Why is it important to report phishing emails?

Reporting suspicious emails or phishing emails allows us to identify and analyze the threats behind these types of emails.

This includes potentially blocking malicious URLs from further being access by our staff and students to minimise the risk to our University such as data leakage or exposure.

Who can use the Report Phishing Button?

The Report Phishing button is available for all staff and students.

How to obtain the button?

The Report Phishing button is automatically provisioned when use your NUS NET Email. No additional installation is required.

Other Related Information

Refer to the links for more information how to find and use this button.

If you have any further questions, you may also contact IT Care via or +65 6516 2080