FAQ: Encrypting Flash Drive

1. Why is it necessary to perform the initial setup? Can I just store files on the thumbdrive without doing so?

The initial setup creates an encrypted storage area on the thumbdrive – whether you are using BitLocker, FileVault or Trek. Files stored in this encrypted area can only be accessed when the right credentials are provided via a login mechanism. If you do not perform the initial setup, files stored on the drive would be unencrypted and accessible by anyone who gains possession of your device.

2. I did not perform the initial setup. What should I do now?

a. Copy all the files on the thumbdrive to another disk.
b. Verify that all files have been copied successfully.
c. Perform the initial setup. Detailed instructions are available for BitLocker thumbdrive (Windows 8, Windows 7), FileVault thumbdrive (Mountain Lion, Lion) and Trek thumbdrive.
d. Ensure you are logged in to the encrypted area on the thumbdrive (BitLocker, FileVault or Trek).
e. Copy the files from step (a) back to the thumbdrive. Your files are now stored in the encrypted area.
f. Verify that all files have been copied successfully.

3. Why does my thumbdrive indicate a capacity much less than the stated size?

For BitLocker and FileVault thumbdrives, some space is used for encryption purpose.

Trek: Unlike normal USB drives, this device has two co-existing, but separate file storage areas, one encrypted, and one non-encrypted. When you plug your device into the computer, only the non-encrypted area is shown. To activate the secure area, you must first perform a setup and login (refer to instructions). Due to this sharing, the capacity indicated on the drive would depend on which of the two storage areas you are currently accessing. Some space is taken up for encryption purpose.

4. I forgot my password. What can I do?

For BitLocker thumbdrive, you can recover the content by using the recovery key which you have saved earlier. See guide for Windows 8 and Windows 7.

For Trek and FileVault thumbdrive, there is no option to recover the content. You can only reformat the thumbdrive with a new password. You will LOSE ALL DATA on it.

For FileVault thumbdrive, please contact IT Care on how to reformat the thumbdrive.

For Trek thumbdrive, follow the instructions here to reformat and reset your password.

5. The G12SmartLogin icon is missing in my Trek thumbdrive. How can I login to the secure area?

Please download a zipped copy of G12SmartLogin. Unzip the file and move it to your thumbdrive.

6. I accidentally deleted the G12SmartLogin software in my Trek thumbdrive. How do I replace it?

Refer to Question 5.

7. Does the encrypted thumbdrive work on Linux / Mac?

On a Windows machine, you can use BitLocker thumbdrive or Trek thumbdrive. For Mac, please use FileVault thumbdrive. See here for the supported OS platform.

8. Can my department request for additional thumbdrives for contract staff, vendors, etc. who are working with the department?

Departments should procure the thumbdrives themselves if they have additional requirements. On a Windows machine, use BitLocker to encrypt the thumbdrive. For Mac, please use FileVault to encrypt the thumbdrive. Follow the instructions given in the Getting Started under About Encrypting Flash Drive.

9. Where can I purchase additional encrypted thumbdrives?

You can purchase any normal thumbdrives but you have to use BitLocker (for Windows) or FileVault (for Mac OS) to encrypt the thumbdrive. You may refer to the instructions given in the Getting Started under About Encrypting Flash Drive.

10. Is the thumbdrive issued for personal or official use? Do I have to return it when I leave NUS?

It is for official use only. All staff must return the thumbdrive to their departments when they leave NUS.

11. How do I securely delete all data (disk wiping) on the thumbdrive so that it can be transferred to another staff when I leave?

For BitLocker thumbdrives, just format the thumbdrives. For the Trek and FileVault thumbdrives, follow the instructions given in Forgotten Password/ Password Reset under About Encrypting Thumbdrives.

12. The thumbdrive is faulty. How do I dispose of it?

Before disposing, the thumbdrive should be physically destroyed by breaking the flash memory into two with a hammer and/or screwdriver. The flash memory is a flat, black rectangle with tiny metal pins on opposite ends. A sample of the flash memory is shown below.

13. I have transferred data from an existing thumbdrive. What should I do with the thumbdrive now?

If your department intends to continue using the thumbdrive, it has to be formatted again as per instructions for encryption. If not, your department should physically destroy the thumbdrive. Please refer to Question 12 for detailed description. Alternatively you can use DBAN to securely wipe thumbdrive. Instructions on the use of DBAN can be found at:

Staff Portal > Information Technology > IT Security > Protect Your Computer > Dispose Your PC

14. I have lost the encrypted thumbdrive. What must I do?

You have to report to your head of department.

15. Can I perform a partial format of the drive, i.e. having some space not encrypted?

No, you have to format the entire drive to be encrypted as per installation instructions. This encrypted thumbdrive is meant for storing of university data and not for personal use. As required by university policy, if you intend to store any university data on a thumbdrive, you have to use encrypted thumbdrive.

16. Can I store only NUS Confidential Data on the encrypted thumbdrive and other less sensitive university data on normal thumbdrives?

No. If you intend to store university data on a thumbdrive, regardless of the classification, you have to use encrypted thumbdrive.