Encrypt Windows folders and contents

Windows 10 

  1. Type mmc in the Search box and  hit the ENTER key.
  1. A Microsoft Management Console (MMC) Box will pop up. Click Add/Remove Snap In.
  1. Select Certificates from Add or Remove Sanp-in box. Next, Click the Add> follow by Ok.
  1. Select my user account from Certificates snap-in box and Click Finish.
  1. Click Ok from Add or Remove Sanp-in box.
  1. Click Certificates. Next, right click on the user’s certificate, follow by All Tasks and Export.
  1. You will see the Certificate Export Wizard box. Click Next.
  1. Click “Yes, export the private key”. Click Next.
  1. Check Include Information Exchange and Click Next.
  1. Type password in the box, type the same password again to confirm and click Next.
  1. Enter the location and file name where the certificate is to be exported. Click Next.
  1. A list of certificates and keys to be exported is displayed. Click Finish to confirm.
  1. Click Close.
  1. You have successfully exported the certificate and private keys of the encrypted folder.