Data Classification

What is Data Classification?

All NUS data shall be classified into the following categories – NUS Confidential, NUS Restricted and Unclassified (Public). More details on data classification may be found in Data Management Policy (DMP) and  Guidelines on Use and Protection of University Data.

Each category of data is defined based on based on its sensitivity level and the impact to the University, should the University data be disclosed, altered or destroyed without authorization. Appropriate data protection measures are implemented to safeguard the data based on its classification.

Classification Description Examples
NUS Confidential Documents, information, or materials which are sensitive or critical, including Personal Data, proprietary information, for use within NUS by authorised personnel on a need-to-know basis. Release of such documents, information, or materials may result in financial loss, potential litigation and severe damage to the reputation and interests of NUS, or the individual or entity to which the documents, information or materials relate. Personal data (such as name, NRIC/FIN, personal email, contact number, photograph and video/voice recording), medical records, salary and appraisal information, credit card and bank account information, admission data, examination marks/grades, donation records, and information relating to significant University initiatives or collaborations which are being negotiated.
NUS Restricted Documents, information, or materials other than those classified as NUS Confidential which are for use within NUS by authorised personnel on a need-to-know basis, including documents, information or materials which NUS has a contractual obligation to protect. Release of such documents, information, or materials may involve damage to the reputation and interests of NUS, or the individual or entity to which the documents, information or materials relate. Academic/employment details of students, current and ex-staff and alumni, research grant information and data, certain management information and reports, and information covered by confidentiality obligations.
Public Documents, information, or materials which can be made available or are already available to the public. Publicly posted press releases or statistics, University newsletters.

Our Classification Tool - Microsoft AIP Sensitivity Label

To facilitate classification of NUS’s data, the University has provisioned a classification tool – AIP Sensivity Label which is currently rolled-out to selected NUS administrative department.

Learn how to use the tool by watching some of our videos – How-To videos – AIP Sensitivity Label tool