Install Bitlocker

Windows 8

  1. Insert your thumbdrive into your computer.
  2. Go to Computer and look for the drive letter assigned to your thumbdrive.
  3. Right-click the drive and select Turn on BitLocker.
  1. Please wait while BitLocker initializes the drive.
  1. Select Use a password to unlock the drive. Specify a strong password and click Next.
  1. Click on Save to a file.
  1. Choose a location to Save the text file. This text file contains the recovery key to help you to recover your BitLocker thumbdrive if you have forgotten the unlock password.You may wish to save the file on your network home folder, the H: drive .
  1. You can also choose Print the recovery key which it will print the contents of the text file. You have to safe-keep this printout as it contains the recovery key to unlock your BitLocker thumbdrive.

Once you have saved or printed the recovery key, click Next to continue.

  1. Choose the following option to encrypt your thumbdrive and click Next:
    Encrypt entire drive (slower but best for PCs and drives already in use)
  1. Click Start encrypting to begin the encryption of your thumbdrive.
  1. The encryption will take some time, depending on the size of your thumbdrive. You will be able to view the encryption progress.
  1. Once completed, click Close.
  1. You will now notice a different icon next to your thumbdrive in Computer.

This completes the one-time installation process of the BitLocker thumbdrive.