Report a Cyber Incident

Incident reporting form

Departments shall report to NUS IT immediately upon the detection of IT incidents, including but not limited to the following,

  • • Data loss or leakage not involving personal data
  • • Account/system compromise
  • • Unauthorized data/system access
  • • Suspicious account/system activity

For additional guidance, you may refer to this page. [link]

This form provides incident description and preliminary findings by the reporting personnel. NUS IT will contact the reporting personnel for more details and to assist in investigation.

* means mandatory fields

IMPORTANT: If you are reporting an incident which involves a monetary loss, please provide this information under the Impact of Incidents section. You will also need to report to the Campus Emergency and Security ( and Data Protection Office ( if personal data is involved.

  • Reporter Details

  • Description of Incident

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Impact of Incidents

  • Follow Up Actions

  • *Note: Immediate action taken to limit impact of and recover from incident
  • *Note: Mid to longer term action taken to address root cause
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.