NUS IT Security Slogan Crowdsourcing
Join our crowdsourcing campaign to identify a tagline (slogan) that NUS will use permanently on various security awareness campaigns.
The slogan (or tagline) should promote:
- Personal responsibility in protecting the institution and its’ data from cyber-attacks.
- Foster security collaboration in the NUS community.
- And instill a positive cyber risk culture.
- Security starts with you.
- Good cyber-security starts with you.
- Security begins with you and me.
- Security is everyone’s responsibility.
- Open to students and staff.
- The slogan must be original, catchy, memorable and impactful.
- Submit your entries via this form link. The deadline for entries is until 24 December 2021 (Friday).
- NUS will announce the winning slogan on the 1st week of January.
- A plagiarism check will be performed to confirm that the submission is original.
- One winning slogan will receive a S$100 [NTUC Voucher]; and
- Five runners-up to receive S$20 [NTUC Voucher].
Event Contacts:
If you have any questions regarding this event, do reach out to