Do not click or respond to a phishing email with the subjects 'NUS Help Desk' or 'Support Desk Team'

You might have received an email titled “Support Desk Team”, with a link to contact a fake “Webmail Support Team” in the email.  This is a phishing email devised by attackers to steal your NUS-ID credentials, and here’s what it looks like:

What do I need to do?
  • – DO NOT REPLY to the email, and DO NOT CLICK on any link in the email. Instead, report the email using the “Report Phishing” button.  Alternatively, you may contact IT Care at 6516 2080 or
  • If you had replied to the email or clicked on any links, please change your NUS-ID password immediately which you can perform directly via the NUS webmail portal. Do contact IT Care if you need further assistance.


Let’s all work together to secure NUS, bIT by bIT.