Critical vulnerability in Google Chrome browser (Sep '23 Update)

What has happened?

A critical security vulnerability in Google Chrome browser has been disclosed and is being exploited actively by cyber attackers. As this could potentially lead to system compromise and data loss/leakage, we urge you to take action immediately.

Which versions of Google Chrome are affected?
  • Google Chrome (on Windows, Mac, and Linux) prior to version 117.0.5938.132.
What do I need to do?

Check and ensure you have the latest version of Chrome browser installed. If not, update it immediately by following the instructions below:

  1. Check your browser version via Menu [] -> Help -> About Google Chrome.
  2. If your version is prior to 117.0.5938.132, select Update Google Chrome.
  3. Restart your browser to complete the update.

Detailed instructions are available at

For more information

Please refer to the official advisory from SingCERT:
Please contact NUS IT Care at 6516 2080 or should you have any queries.



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