Clarifications on the Use of Zoom and Best Practices for Securing Zoom Meetings | IT Security

Since our last advisory on Zoom, we have received many queries on its use in NUS amid mounting concerns with security and privacy issues. Earlier this week, a locally reported case of “Zoombombing” involving students using it for Home-Based-Learning (HBL) sparked an even greater debate on its use in education institutions.


While MOE has chosen to suspend the use of Zoom till further notice, we have deliberated on this, and in consultation with NUS Senior Management, decided that we will allow the campus to continue its use.  This decision did not come easy as security and privacy are of highest importance to NUS. Yet, we are cognisant that Zoom is an indispensable tool for staff and faculty during this period where virtual communications has invariably become a part of our lives.


To ensure that we continue to work in a safe environment, the team quickly had a meeting with Zoom representatives.  They  assured us that security is of utmost priority and they are dedicating their full attention to fixing all security issues promptly.  Both sides are working closely to provide you with sound advice and best practices for using Zoom in a campus environment.


While we have covered some ground in the previous advisory, we would like to draw your attention to the following <Do’s and Don’ts> to help us secure our Zoom meetings

Please visit for more information on these settings.


We have also proposed other settings to be enforced for the specific use of Zoom during the upcoming e-examinations. This will be communicated with the relevant parties separately.


As mentioned previously we continue to recommend the use of Skype for Business or Microsoft Teams for meetings involving sensitive/confidential information. Do note that all three software platforms are officially supported by NUS.


If you have feedback on the use of Zoom, do write to us at


Meanwhile let’s all stay healthy, and cyber-safe together.