HPC Technical Updates


» New Services and Resources for Data Centric Research in 2018

By Tan Chee Chiang, Research Computing, NUS IT on 25 Apr, 2018
We will be introducing more HPC services and resources in 2018 to cater for data-centric research such as Data Analytics, Machine …

» How Fast Can Amber and Gromacs Job Run With P100 GPU Accelerator

By Zhang Xinhuai, Research Computing, NUS IT on 11 Dec, 2017
P100, the latest NVIDIA Tesla GPU series of accelerators, taps onto NVIDIA Pascal GPU architecture and delivers a unified platform for …

» CFD Simulations: Running with More Cores May Not Be Faster

By Wang Junhong, Research Computing, NUS IT on 11 Dec, 2017
Nowadays, large Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations spanning from dozens to hundreds of millions of cells are carried out commonly to …

» Performance of the New ATLAS8 Cluster

By Yeo Eng Hee, Research Computing, NUS IT on 11 Dec, 2017
The latest addition to the HPC resources here in NUS Information Technology is the new Atlas8 cluster, installed with 2-socket Intel …

» Running Open-source HPC Applications In The Cloud With Alces Flight Gridware

By Yeo Eng Hee, Research Computing, NUS IT on 11 Dec, 2017
Before the advent of cloud computing, high performance computing environments only existed within the confines of organisations’ data centres. Traditionally, such …

» Bioinformatics Services on HPC

By Vamshidhar Gangu, Research Computing, NUS IT on 11 Dec, 2017
NUS IT is building a user-friendly bioinformatics environment that supports data analysis for several organisms. The software repositories will be available …

» Data Engineering Technology Consulting and Support

By Tan Chee Chiang, Research Computing, NUS IT on 11 Dec, 2017
Many HPC technologies and resources can be extended to support data centric research computing such as Big Data Analytics and Deep …

» PBS Job Scheduler

By Wang Junhong, NUS Informatics Technology on 27 Jun, 2017
With the release of new HPC cluster Atlas8 consisting of 64 compute nodes having 192GB memory and 24 cores each and …

» AI-HPC Resources

By Tan Chee Chiang, NUS Informatics Technology on 27 Jun, 2017
With the recent announcement of AI.SG national initiative, we will explore the synergy between AI and HPC, and how HPC technologies …

» Interesting Findings at SC16

By Zhang Xinhuai, Research Computing, NUS Computer Centre on 24 Feb, 2017
SC16, the Supercomputing Conference 2016, was held in Salt Lake City last November. The six-day conference featured internationally-known expert speakers, cutting-edge …